Saturday, November 14, 2009

Free at last!

Free of the job that is! This is my 1st jobless weekend, and I plan on doing absolutely nothing. It feels so nice to be able to relax and not have to cram a whole days worth of work into 6 measly little hours before slumping off to the shower, getting ready for work, cursing the whole drive there, then painfully pressing the "clock-in" button. Nothin beats going to a job where you slave to give people whatever they want, only to get bitched at every other minute, then get bitched out by the manager because the food wasn't right (totally the kitchens fault!) or whatever the hell their problem was... It was an endless cycle that I finally shot dead in its tracks.

However, I will forever miss the (few) wonderful people that I worked with. I highly doubt I will stay in contact with them, besides on Facebook. (ok, maybe 2 or 3 of them) This was my 1st job in a whole new town where I know nobody, so these are the only friends I have/had! :(

Sometime after the holidays, I'll go get some sort of formal training and get a better job. Even though I don't really have to work, I feel the need to help out now, and I can only be a SAHM for so long til Baby T goes to school. I feel bad that Mr. is out there for sometimes 12hrs a day doing back-breaking work to be able to pay all the bills. Not fair. At all. I've got a few more things to get in order, then hopefully I'll have enough money to go back to school soon. Til then, I'm still putting all my faith in my weekly lotto ticket...

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